ilk and Bone were always on my radar because of classic songs like 'Water Pressure' and 'Coconut Water', but it wasn't until I experienced their live set in London that I truly understood the musical power that resided within these two creators. Milk & Bone is a French-Canadian duo created by Laurence Lafond-Beaulne and Camille Poliqui, their main sonic feature is the incredible harmonies they are able to achieve with their voices. Whenever a Milk & Bone tune comes on one can only be lured into a trippy dream where Greek Sirens are beckoning you with illustrious tones, but their aesthetic can't be fully described through an analysis of sound. There also lies great lyricism and composition within this power couple and they were recently awarded the Juno Award for Electronic Album of the Year for their latest album, 'Deception Bay'.

More recently, Milk & Bone just released a new song with Alex Lustig called 'Peaches' and the track sets the bar for popular music. If the emotional lyrics don't get you, their voices will.

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Milk & Bone